It’s that time of year again when many areas in North America have already seen their first snowfall. Some important reminders for spraying Monoglass® products in cold weather:
- Cold weather does NOT affect the fiber itself.
- Freezing will ruin the Bonding Adhesive, therefore do not leave the adhesive anywhere the temperature will drop below freezing including areas such as:
- an unheated truck
- outside
- an unheated area of a jobsite
- Depending on the delivery location and weather conditions, adhesive may be shipped in a heated truck. If your adhesive was shipped in an unheated truck and you are concerned it may have frozen, you can do the following:Remove the lid and check the appearance of the adhesive, if it looks coagulated or lumpy, call Monoglass immediately.
- If you are spraying when temperatures are below 34 degrees Fahrenheit or 1 degree Celsius you will need to heat the area being sprayed in order to stay above these temperatures. ONLY use dry, non-moisture producing heat sources. It is also important that you maintain 3 air exchanges per hour – even if it is warm, the moisture still needs to be removed from the area being sprayed.
Remember that the substrate must also be above freezing. Once insulated the heat in the room will have a difficult time reaching the substrate. This means you may have to heat the area ABOVE the sprayed substrate to keep the substrate temperature above freezing.
The temperature MUST remain above the limits listed above until the sprayed Monoglass® is completely dry. If you are in doubt about an application please contact us at 1-888-777-2966.
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